What are basic accounting principles and assumptions?

3. Assumptions of accounting

Economic Entity Assumption – Under the economic entity assumption, an economic activity can be identified to a separate entity accountable for that activity. In other words, this assumption states that businesses must keep their transactions separate from their owners’, business units’ or other businesses’ transactions. For example, the business activities of the neighborhood coffee house are to be kept separate from the financial activities of its owners or managers.  The financial statements for the coffee house will only reflect the revenue and expenses for the coffee house. Thus, it is possible to compare the financial statements of this coffeehouse with its competitors’ reports, since these statements should be reported separately under the economic entity assumption. Important to note, a separate entity does not necessary mean a legal entity. For example, financial statements for a parent company and its subsidiaries (i.e. separate legal entities) can be presented together (i.e. consolidated financial statements).

Going Concern Assumption – For accounting purposes, the going concern assumption states that the financial activities of a business are assumed to be in operation for an indefinite period of time. This allows a business to operate with a view towards a long term. This is a very critical assumption as it provides that there is no short term end point in which all assets need to be sold and all debt must be paid off. Thus, the going concern assumption makes it possible to depreciate or amortize assets because we assume that businesses will have a long life.  For example, if the coffee house was going to be sold, its assets would be valued at their disposal or liquidation value (sales price less expense of disposal).  Under the going concern assumption, the coffee house values its assets at their original cost. As we can see, the going concern assumption is only inapplicable when business liquidation is imminent, and it should be used in all other business situations.

Monetary Unit Assumption – This assumption states that information in the financial statements must be expressed in monetary units. The reason is that economic activity is expressed in monetary unit, and thus, it makes sense to apply the same basis for accounting purposes. Monetary units are relevant, universally available, and understandable. Using the neighborhood coffeehouse as an example, the intrinsic value of the best coffee server cannot be valued in the financial statements, regardless of how many customers frequent the coffeehouse due to this individual.  The inherent value of this person cannot be quantified in the financial statements as an asset.

The monetary unit assumption also states that a stable unit of currency is to be used as the unit of record.  In the United States, the US Dollar is typically the currency of choice. Important to note, accounting ignores inflation or deflation and assumes that US Dollar remains reasonably stable.  For instance, no adjustments are necessary when adding 1990 dollars to 2010 dollars, unless economic conditions change dramatically (e.g. hyperinflation).

Time Period Assumption – This assumption allows for the division of businesses operational activities into artificial time periods for reporting purposes as determined by the business owners.  The coffeehouse can record information on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis during a time frame they deem relevant. However, there is a trade-off between the accuracy (reliability) and relevancy in preparing financial statements: the more quickly a company presents financial data, the more likely such data contains errors (i.e. less reliable information).

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